Old New Year Contest

 2025 Rules


1. Contest sponsors

«Radio» Magazine and Russian Contest Club

2. Contest dates, bands and modes

05:00 UTC till 08:59 UTC 11 January 2025
Bands — 80, 40, 20, 15 and 10 meters. No Contest QSOs on WARC bands
Modes: CW and SSB

3. Entry categories

  • Single-Op High Power CW
  • Single-Op Low Power CW (no more 100 W)
  • SingleOp High Power SSB
  • Single-Op Low Power SSB (no more 100 W)
  • SingleOp High Power Mixed
  • Single-Op Low Power Mixed (no more 100 W)

For stations of SINGLE-OP subgroups where the sum of their radio amateur experience and their age is 100 years or more, additional totals are summed up separately for High and Low Power stations. To do this, when uploading the log, these stations specify the value OVER- 100 in the CATEGORY-OVERLAY line of the log header.

  • Multi-Ops High Power
  • Multi-Ops Low Power (no more 100 W)

For stations of MULTI-OP subgroups with operators under 18 years of age, additional totals are summarized without dividing by power. To do this, when uploading the log, these stations specify the value JUNIOR in the CATEGORY-OVERLAY line of the log header.

  • SWL наблюдатели, MIXED

4. General rules

4.1. The use of publicly available potting assistance (DX clusters and others) is allowed for all entries.

4.2. Self-spotting is permitted during the contest

4.3. Change bands and modes without restrictions.

4.4. Same station may be worked once per band and per mode (for MIXED entry).

5. Exchanges

RS(T) + two or three figures showing sum of operator age and number years on the air (radio amateur experience).

Multi-op stations transmit «team average age» (sum of operators ages divided by number of operators) plus number of years the station exist.

6. QSO Points

Each QSO scores points as received in contest exchange.

7. Final score

Final score is a sum of points for all bands.

8. General Log Submission Requirements

8.1. Logs are accepted in CABRILLO file format only

8.2. Filename of your log should be yourcall.log or .cbr. Example: UA1AAA.log or UA1AAA.cbr

8.3. Web upload is the prefer method of log submission. Web upload of logs is available at: If you have problems uploading the log, you can send it by e-mail:

8.4. Please do not remove duplicate QSOs from the log.

9. Log Submission Deadline

9.1. Logs must be submitted to the contest sponsors within 14 days after the end of the contest (until 23:59 UTC on 25.01.2025)

9.2. Receipt of the log will be confirmed on the «Uploaded Logs» page on Website (

9.3. Logs submitted after the deadline may be listed in the results, but are not eligible for awards

9.4. There are very few paper logs coming in. The editorial board of the Radio magazine will continue to receive them, but in order not to delay the judging of the competition, only those that arrive at the editorial office by the beginning of the judging (about three weeks after the end of receiving electronic reports) will be counted. Therefore, please send paper logs IMMEDIATELY after the end of the contest to the address: Editorial office of the Radio magazine, per. Protopopovsky 25B, Moscow, 129090, Russia

10. Награждение участников

Awards from Radio Magazine:
— Winners in the MULTI-OP HIGH and MULTI-OP LOW subgroups are awarded
with plaques;
— Winners in SINGLE-OP subgroups are awarded with medals;
— The top ten in each category will be awarded with diplomas from Radio
Awards from the Russian Contest Club:
— The winner in the MULTI-OP JUNIOR subgroup is awarded with a plaque;
— All participants will be able to download the original electronic certificates
on the website

11. Judging

The Old New Year Contest Committee is responsible for checking and adjudicating the contest entries which is done electronically. Participants are requested to follow the rules and best amateur radio practices. Violation of the rules of the contest or unsportsmanlike conduct may lead to disciplinary action by the Committee in its sole discretion.
Old New Year Contest Committee invites all the radio amateurs from Russia and foreign countries to take part in
Old New Year Contest — 2024.

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